Only about half of this movie had good advice. Also, PaperBat, you ignored my suggestions for some reason, after saying you would change it. But thats personal so I won't let that affect the review.
You left out excellent sources. Sprite Database is too overlooked, it would've been a much better suggestion than Sprite City. Also, Mystical Forest Zone is a very good background resource that should've been added.
This is right on the boundary of basic and advanced. It probably would be advanced if you had touched upon much more techniques like sprite editing. For instance, Game Maker's sprite editor works much better than importing whole sheets into Flash and animating them. You don't have to worry about Flash crashing from a large sheet, the gifs are readily animated by import, and you can edit the sprites animations before import very effictively.
Also, NEVER trace bitmap backgrounds. The only point of ever tracing a background would be to delete colors you want transparent, but that can easily be done in another program, seeing as they're only 1 frame or so. Tracing backgrounds, especially large ones, does nothing but cause tons of lag. It has virtually no advantage at all.
There are only a few good points in here, such as the "crouch jump", to make sprites look less static, as well as easing and FPS suggestions. There are even better techniques for improving jump animations that could've been included, such as making horizontal jumps look more realistic.
This tutorial had potential for shedding light on some of the lesser talked about "good" sprite techniques, it even did somewhat, but it was ruined with lack of completeness and misleading advice. It teetered on a 7, but the very disappointment I got from this dropped it to a 6.