For those who believe I make no progress.
After endless experimentation, practice, and figuring out a structure for the creation process, I've settled on a large scale and elaborate methodology for the creation of NASF 2. I will be able to work in full 3d, animate with full freedom, and create absolutely anything the movie demands. Its been tough, its been frustrating to the point of lunacy, and the lack of any solid progress has made me look flakier than a snowman with dandruff. But as I've said many a time, I'm always working, still experimenting, blah blah hurble gurble blah. Now, NOW, I'm making real progress.
To start things off, seen below is a prototype of the first area to be seen in the trailer.
One of these days I'll make a list of the crazy things I'm doing with the movie using the techniques I've practiced. Some of these are:
-Sprites all are lit dynamically. As in, no static shading. They are actually shaded according to the lighting arrangement and colors in the environment.
-No more lousy mugen effects in glaring repetition (as seen everywhere). I will be doing lots of custom visuals, things that repeat AND are dynamic to the action (action sensitive dust and smoke, particles/debris that interact with the scene, etc)
-Custom character sprites and animation. Lots of hand drawn animation, as well as rigs and setups for more complex character animation.
-The whole movie is created as if it were a real (though fictitious) video game. The movie has a "combat system". is organized in eight "stages", and features all kinds of re imagined classic video game elements in a mixed up frenzy of nostalgic madness. All of this is designed in the vein of the 90s era video game aesthetic.
I've been learning and practicing so much I don't think I could even cover all of the awesome things I'm doing for this movie. Its going to be a ridiculously larger scale project than the clumsily made first NASF. Bigger cast, enormous and diversely biomed world, crazy action, remastered classic VG music for the soundtrack, and the whole movie will probably be quite long. 20 minutes at the least. Pretty poor (and short) estimate though.
I'll be back soon with more stuff to show.